No Taxes for all country.
Customs duties are charges imposed by the government of the destination country on international shipments. These charges depend on the value of the goods being shipped, the destination country, and the type of product being shipped. It is the responsibility of the recipient of the shipment to pay any customs duties that may be charged.
When you place an international order, we will provide an estimated customs duty, if applicable, based on the information you provide us about the shipment. However, please note that this is only an estimation and the final amount may vary depending on the policies and regulations of the destination country.
It is important to note that customs duties are not included in the shipping fees charged by the carrier, and may be collected separately by the carrier or by the customs authorities of the destination country. Failure to pay these fees may result in the package being held by customs, returned to the sender, or destroyed.
If you have any questions or concerns about customs duties, we recommend checking with the customs authorities of the destination country or with our customer service team.